Page 43 - Martial Science Feb Issuu 19_Active
P. 43
“...Ai-Ki-Dô is not a
concept that we
embody at will,
nonetheless a feeling
that grows and
matures in every
person as years of
hard work and
sincere commitment
to the art pass by...”
The following conclusions are of paramount importance in the
style, and they have converged with the advent, development
and perfectioning of a distinctive teaching methodology. They
are numbered from one to ten in order for the kind reader to
understand better teaching approach in the style:
1st - Aikidô is before all else an art oriented to building peace
and non-violence, and it does not admit any modifications in
this sense.
2nd - As a martial art, Aikidô bases its defensive strategy on
the way the results of the actions are reached (Dô), rather than
directly seeking the results of the action (Jutsu).
3rd - There is only one Aikidô if we thoughtfully consider the
approach based on restoring harmony; from here on, tech-
niques are born in accordance with the moments and opportu-
nities where they take effect, depending invariably on the level
reached by the practitioner at issue.
FEBRUARY/2017 43