Page 39 - Martial Science Feb Issuu 19_Active
P. 39

Dentô Aruhonso Ha               Destroying aggressive            life has been devoted to
              Aikidô, It was founded           actions without destroying  spreading martial arts and
              by Cecilio Antonio (Tony         the aggressor!                   for the last 25 years Aikidô
              Senior) Alfonso Rodrí-                                            has been his main focus.
              guez who, since the official  Tony Senior Sensei holds            He has, along the years,
              beginning of the school in       black belt in Judô and           graduated numerous black
              1992, has envisioned and         Jyoshinmon Shorin-ryu Ka-        belts who now help him
              implemented a distinctive        ratedô. He was co-founder        strengthen and dissemi-
              methodology based on the  of the Provincial Karatedô              nate his sui-generis cre-
              following premise: The           and Martial Arts Federa-         ation: Dentô Aruhonso Ha
              development of mind and          tion in Matanzas, Cuba.          Aikidô. He has also found-
              body coordination through  He also holds extensive                ed the Hasekura Tsunena-
              consistent practice ulti-        knowledge in Kenjutsu            ga Group for studying and
              mately leads to embody           which has greatly helped         spreading Asian culture in
              the foremost moral aspect        him understand the sub-          Cuba, and currently teach-
              of the art:                      tleties of Aikidô. His entire    es Japanese language.

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