Page 41 - Martial Science Feb Issuu 19_Active
P. 41
“What is Aikidô performed
as an ethic value as
opposed to Aiki revealed in
life or death situations?
Would these two ways ever
walk alongside on the same
Jose Antonio Alfonso overseas. He was elect- opinions among the stu-
Montesino, known as Tony ed Vice-president of the dents. Some talked about
Junior is Tony Senior’s school in 1993, and over a the reaction as it was not
firstborn. He is currently decade afterwards he was supposed to happen that
living in the United States assigned the responsibility way coming from an Ai-
and holds 5th Dan Degree as Chief Instructor. kidô Sensei, and others
in the style. He became focused on the idea of
a passionate Budô truth Technical and Sensei proving the efficacy
seeker since he was a kid, methodological of his technique in unex-
and when he was intro- background: pected aggressive situa-
duced to the art of Aikidô tions. Moreover, for Sensei
by his father, he visualized Once, at a local Dojo when himself it was a matter of
a new perspective on the training Aikidô, someone personal revision, then he
vast world of martial arts, walked in and asked to came up with the follow-
and a different dimension be part of the class, then ing questions: What is Ai-
where he experimented unexpectedly attacked our kidô performed as an ethic
the true meaning of the Sensei with a kick who value as opposed to Aiki
term Dô for first time. responded instantly with revealed in life or death
He has devoted his life a faster countering kick. situations? Would these
to Aikidô becoming the The episode left everybody two ways ever walk along-
first Aruhonso Ha devotee in awe, which later led to side on the same path?
who promotes the style an interesting exchange of These two questions be-
FEBRUARY/2017 41