Page 44 - Martial Science Feb Issuu 19_Active
P. 44
4th - The primary goal of understood as a psycho- 6th Kyu and a technical
the art is not the execution physical support to forge syllabus from 5th Kyu up
of techniques in “real” sit- moral and ethical qualities to 3rd Dan. But all this is
uations; however, aspects such as constancy, perse- related to Tai Jutsu (empty
such as functionality and verance, firmness, tenacity, handed techniques) only;
effectiveness must always respect, simplicity, hum- on the other hand, there
be present, so any tech- bleness, sincerity, loyalty, is a Buki Waza (weap-
nique which lacks these among others, as well as on techniques) syllabus
aspects must be consid- to identify Aikidô as a pe- which starts in 5th Kyu
ered a mere exercise. This culiar exponent within the and ends in 3rd Dan as
point must be explicitly immense variety of martial well. Moreover, we also
explained in class. arts that lay their technical have a knowledge sylla-
repertoire upon weapons, bus which is intended to
5th - The use of a modern mainly those which are transmitting historical and
pedagogy to teach Aikidô primarily based on the theoretical aspects of the
allows a deeper under- use of the Japanese sword art that which depending
standing of the articula- (Katana). on the practitioner’s level,
tory principles, assuring can be inserted into the
a gradual technical pro- 9th - The implementation techniques giving birth to
ficiency. The key to truly of an integrated system more mature forms. All
understand Aikidô lies in a (RIAI) (Combination of techniques must be exe-
daily study and an unfail- Tai-Jutsu, Aikiken and cuted in a basic manner
ingly rigorous training. Aikijo), as an innovative (Kihon) at first until black
approach in teaching the belt; then, more dynamic
6th - The development of art. forms (Ki no Nagare) are
the inner energy (Ki) origi- required; that is to say,
nates natural, spontaneous 10th - By last, the descrip- demonstrating effective
and powerful movements tion of the previous tech- control upon the partner
which combine a higher nical and methodological from a static beginning of
degree of flexibility with notions is meant to help the technique, eventually
more accurate blending the practitioners under- leads to understanding
capabilities. Mind and stand the style precepts by and mastering the sub-
body acting in coordina- showing them a basic and tleties of the art; never-
tion lead to more concrete simple guideline by which theless, it requires lots of
forms capable of adjusting they will ultimately be able patience, a thorough study
to any circumstances. to walk the Aikidô path and an unfailing devoted-
themselves. ness.
7th - Aikidô ranges be-
tween “the antique” and Test requirements:
“the modern” to evolve Dentô Aruhonso Ha
itself; however, the core Aikidô, as most styles in
of the art lies firmly and today’s world, has a teach-
invariably in its basic pat- ing syllabus that turns into
terns. test requirements when it
is due time for examina-
8th - The use of weap- tion. There is a basic sylla-
ons (Buki Waza), could be bus which comprises the