Page 42 - Martial Science Feb Issuu 19_Active
P. 42

wildered the audience who  ner, a suitable path to                est values through a har-
              walked out of the Dojo           follow. You are here to          monious and constructive
              pondering over why they          realize your inner divinity      training, with the ultimate
              engaged in Aikidô and            and manifest your innate         objective of preserving
              what they really expected        enlightenment.”                  the physical integrity of
              from it. I personally think                                       the adversary so as to
              that our Sensei, despite         Nowadays, martial arts           restore peace and harmo-
              his non-supposed Aikidô          under the light of the           ny in a conflictive world.
              reaction, found fertile          current century, are not an      The founder himself often
              grounds to teach us a very       invention of the Far East        used to express: “…I wish
              important lesson: Ai-Ki-Dô  anymore; furthermore,                 to build a bridge to uni-
              is not a concept that we         a universal treasure dis-        fy the different countries
              embody at will, nonethe-         posed to be rediscovered         through harmony and love
              less a feeling that grows        from the most faraway            encompassed in Aikidô”…
              and matures in every per-        places. Aikidô is a live         In Dentô Aruhonso Ha, the
              son as years of hard work        example of it due to its re-     concept of Aiki is focused
              and sincere commitment           fined adjustment to society  not only on the technical
              to the art pass by. Judging      based on universal laws,         aspect of the art, but also
              never points in the correct      and because it has been          on making solid bonds of
              direction, it always mis-        spread as a contemporary         friendship in this world,
              interprets the essence of        Budô, grounded in a solid        but this requires, without
              the context it attempts to       moral dimension which            questioning, a higher level
              refer to. Our Sensei sim-        reveals itself as a vehi-        of personal growth and a
              ply opened the door of           cle of unity and harmony         life spontaneously focused
              our spirits to understand        among human beings, and  on selfless deeds. Aikidô
              Aikidô from a personal           not as a warlike instrument  is and will always be an
              perspective, which indeed        originator of conflict and       ever-abiding tool dedicat-
              matches the Aikidô found-        antagonism.                      ed to spreading peace and
              er O Sensei Morihei Ueshi-                                        love among all beings, and
              ba’s teaching: “Everyone         The essence of the art cre-      that is precisely why it has
              has a spirit that can be         ated by O Sensei Morihei         always had the seeds of its
              refined, a body that can         Ueshiba is based on the          own sprouting, growth and
              be trained in some man-          development of the high-         development.

                                    Official Logo Description:

                                    The center of the logo, circumscribed by a brushstroke, symbolizes the origin and
                                    birth of Aikidô as a result of the harmonious interrelation of San Gen no Hosoku
                                    (Law of the three geometric nature figures). Outside the brushstroke and between
                                    two concentric circles, the terms Dentô (traditional) and Aruhonso Ha (branch
                                    system named Aruhonso) are found; the former establishes the approach and
                                    direction of the teaching focus, respecting the technical and philosophical roots of
              the art, and the latter denotes the legitimacy of the teaching methodology used during instruction. The
              two lateral characters represent, to the left, SU: the primary syllable according to Aikidô cosmology, and
              to the right, MU: the emptiness that stands for pure actions; that is to say, truthful and accurate words
              linked to pure and sincere gestures originate peace and harmony along the Path (Dô).

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