Page 43 - Martial Science Magazine April 2017
P. 43
Finishing position of implementing a self-defense technique by Sung Jin Sun,
• Properly and firmly secur- an 9th Dan degree master in Kuk Sool Won.
ing the desired object or part of
• Developing accurate knowl-
edge of the position of sensitive
points across body
• Application of appropriate
deal of force at properly adjust-
ed angle to the sensitive point
of interest
• Taking step appropriately
(left/right leg; forward/back-
ward stepping)
Important point: when im-
plementing self-defense tech-
niques, it is very important
to establish coordination and where and when to terminate
timing among the engaged the technique once you start
parts of body: upper body having it implemented. This
precedence, lower body pre- makes you aware of your ca-
cedence, or upper and low- pabilities and teaches you
er parts of body at the same how to control opponent.
Warning: when practicing
• Appropriate angle for apply- self-defense techniques, both
ing force to joints (considering opponents should help one
movement restrictions of dif- another implement and learn
ferent joints) the technique. Either over-
ly resisting against the tech-
• Adequate rate of implemen- nique to be implemented or
tation intensely implementing the
technique may prove to be
• Keeping an appropriate dis- harmful.
tance to the opponent (close/
far, depending on situation)
• In some cases, in order to ap-
ply a knock outing force (sud-
denly pulling the opponent
down) against the opponent,
you should go to sitting posi-
Finishing position of imple-
menting a self-defense tech-
nique by Sung Jin Sun, an
9th Dan degree master in Kuk
Sool Won.
When practicing self-defense
in a gym, proceed the tech- Technique implementation by Yurik Shahinian against the author (note to the
nique to the end, so as to learn knee position and the direction along which yurik applies force by his hand)
APRIL/2017 43