Page 38 - Martial Science Magazine April 2017
P. 38

nutritional value” and that      honey or iced with lemon         has with its energy-boost-
              yerba mate contains “prac-       and mint, the combina-           ing beverage of choice,
              tically all of the vitamins      tions are endless.               mate.
              necessary to sustain life.”
                                               Yerba mate, is a shade sub-      Mate is an infusion made
              Yerba mate contains caffeine,    tropical. Like high quality      by steeping the dried
              theophylline, and theobromine,  coffee, high quality mate         leaves of the yerba mate
              well-known stimulants also  is shade-grown; delivering            plant (a species of the
              found in tea, coffee and         more flavor and containing       holly family) in near-boil-
              chocolate.  The caffeine         more medicinal and nutri-        ing water. It is traditional-
              content varies between           tional properties than the       ly drank from a calabasa
              that of green tea and            commercially grown, sun          gourd — though these
              coffee.  Unlike tea, yerba       farmed varieties. It thrives     days the drinking vessel
              mate has a low tannin con-       in its natural rainforest        can be made out of just
              tent so it can be strong like  environment located be-            about anything — with a
              coffee without becoming          tween the 10th and 30th          silver metal straw called
              extremely bitter.  Unlike        parallels, in high humidity      a bombilla (pronounced
              coffee, yerba mate is not        with up to 1500 mm of            Bombisha). The straw is in-
              oily and acid forming, so it  annual rainfall. (http://           tegral to the drinking pro-
              is less likely to cause stom-            cess because it filters out
              ach acid and jitters.            Yerba-Mate.html).                the leaves. Drank straight,
                                                                                a sip of hot mate will taste

              Yerba mate is very versa-        The Brits might have a           a lot like a strong, slightly
                                                                                bitter tea and it has been
              tile and can be prepared         deeply-steeped tea tradi-        enjoyed in the Southern
                                               tion. The Italians’ espres-
              a variety of ways, from a        so game is surely strong.        Hemisphere for hundreds
              tea infuser or French press      Americans know where it’s        of years.
              to a coffee machine, even
              an espresso maker.  It can       at when it comes to iced         Mate has a long history
                                               coffee. But none of that
              be consumed hot, or cold,        compares to the strong tra-      in Uruguay, Argentina,
              and served with milk and                                          Paraguay, Southern Bra
                                                dition that South America
                                                                                zil and Bolivia. It is not

                                                                                uncommon to see the ma-
                                                                                jority of the population in
                                                                                Uruguay walking the streets
                                                                                with mate in hand and a
                                                                                thermos of hot water under
                                                                                arm to refill the drink as it
                                                                                gets low. Its custom to add
                                                                                water to yerba mate until it
                                                                                loses its flavor.

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