Page 42 - Martial Science Magazine April 2017
P. 42
Remarks about implementation of self-defense techniques
By Masoud Hayeri Khyavi
elf-defense not only in- your collar in such a way that,
cludes implementation of “If we take martial as of that instance, you are
Sspecific self-defense tech- arts and self-defense cannot implement a throwing
niques using objects, but also technique or any other tech-
encompasses environmental techniques solely as nique specifically designed
and mental conditions, im- power vs. power ba- to get rid of the situation, you
plementation approach, etc. can proceed to grab a part of
As a martial artist, you may ttles, then the most the opponent’s clothes which
have learnt and practiced powerful and robust may raise his/her concern,
many techniques, but still so that the opponent may re-
end up with a mental impasse opponent will always lease your collar in an attempt
once you engaged in an ac- dominate, leaving no to secure your wrist, provid-
tual combat. This resembles ing a basis for implementing
the situation everybody has hope for others”. the desired self-defense tech-
experienced in school-time nique. Remember that proper
exams where even though like to mention some remarks and efficient implementation
textbooks were well studied which are results of years of of a technique against joints
and practices were thorough- practicing within the scope of and sensitive points of an
ly worked on, as soon as we martial arts. opponent’s body requires ad-
were given the exam paper, it equate body strength along
was like we know nothing and When undertaking self-de- with well-trained and robust
it took a certain deal of time fense practices in martial art limbs.
to get back to mental calm- and other related classes, op-
ness and become focused. Of ponents tend to exhibit prede- According to one of the great
course, the situation is not the termined positions and per- masters of martial arts in Ko-
same for all people, so that form predetermined acts. For rea (Suh In-Hyuk, founder of
individuals of higher spirits example, the implementation Kuk Sool Won martial art sys-
and self-confidence tend to of a certain self-defense tech- tem): “If we take martial arts
quickly start answering the nique when your wrist is se- and self-defense techniques
questions while there are in- cured by an opponent follows solely as power vs. power bat-
dividuals who used to retrieve a specific set of steps; in a real tles, then the most powerful
the answers once the exam is situation, however, who can and robust opponent will al-
finished up. Implementation guarantee that every single ways dominate, leaving no
of self-defense techniques is condition will be the same as hope for others”.
engaged with relatively sim- that in the class? The answer
ilar conditions. However, the is definitely no body! So what There are remarks which
implementation of self-de- should we do? Let’s continue should be taken into account
fense techniques is governed with this wrist example. when implementing self-de-
by important remarks which fense techniques including
should be kept in mind. Here, A simple approach is to mo- those performed against sen-
respectfully requesting for tivate the opponent to secure sitive points and joints:
permission from experienced your wrist. For instance, giv-
teachers in the field, I would en the opponent has secured