Page 39 - Martial Science Magazine April 2017
P. 39
Stay Safe! Drink
with the Masters!
Looking for The
Safest Cup of Coffee
or Mate???
Drinking mate is often times a group ex- which is the reason for the cleaner buzz.)
perience; it’s a symbol of hospitality and One thing everyone agrees on is that it’s
friendship. A host will commonly pass loaded with antioxidants, vitamins and
mate around in a circle so everyone can minerals which only adds to its ener-
have a few sips. But why is it so beloved? gy boosting power. We think the fancy
Our best guess: the energy the drink im- metal straw adds to the appeal too (Julie
parts. R. Thomson
Mate gives the same amount of energy as that-puts-our-coffee-game-to-shame_
a cup of coffee, without the jittery feeling us_559e823ce4b0967291558651).
that some people get from caffeine. The Looking for “The Safest Cup of Coffee,
LA Times proposes that it’s because one or Mate?” “Like” our Facebook page
cup of yerba mate contains 80 milligrams at and join us at our next “Mate
of caffeine, which is twice as much as and Coffee with the Masters” in Fresno or
black tea but significantly less than a cup maybe in a city near you. Stay Safe! Drink
of coffee. (Other schools of thought be-
lieve that mate does not contain caffeine, with the Masters!
but another type of stimulating compound
APRIL/2017 39