Page 21 - Martial Science Magazine Dec/2014 #6
P. 21
Back OMn y Feet
Israel Rodriguez
Israel Rodriguez could not have ly made it 5 inches off the floor into the
been happier on this day. His dan- jump, when he fell to the ground. When he
cers’ heart was full of joy. He was returning tried to get up, it felt like the floor angled
to the stage with his beloved Orlando out from under him and down he went
Ballet at the Bob Carr. Israel had been a again. Then the realization hit him, and
principal dancer for 5 years with Orlan- all around him knew the truth. They were
do Ballet under the artistic direction of all witness to the horrifying sight of Israel’s
the late Fernando Bujones. It had been calf muscle crawling up the back of his
3 years since he had danced with the leg. His Achilles tendon was ruptured and
company, and the invitation by the at that moment he felt a dancer’s worst
company, was an exciting opportunity. nightmare. This was the kind of injury that
Israel was training hard in preparation for could mean the end of a dancer’s career
dancing before an Orlando audience, regardless of their age. There was one
who excitedly anticipated his return. At significant difference here. In Israel’s case
40 years old he was still dancing at peak he believed with every ounce of his being
performance. Since the age of 10, his that he would recover and dance again,
training had always gone beyond ballet in spite of this horrendous injury. He’ll ne-
to include a lifetime of martial arts, boxing, ver forget that moment frozen in time,
running and later Pilates. When younger February 6, 2009 at 11:25 AM. This is
dancers were injuring themselves in their the story of his incredible journey back to
twenties, he was still going strong. Israel the 100 percent recovery that his single
was taking company. As he began the minded determination created in his life. It
combination, he suddenly felt like he’d is a story of inspiration to any dancer, any
been hit from behind by another dancer. athlete, any person who reads it and finds
He went down, then looked around to their own path to recovery and personal
check if anyone was injured. He’d bare- triumph.
DECEMBER/2014 21