Page 22 - Martial Science Magazine Dec/2014 #6
P. 22
Israel´first experience
with martial arts was at
the age of eight, when he
began studying Judo and
Karate Do in Cespedes,
Cuba where he lived. Be-
ing involved in a sport
where his mother repea-
tedly saw him being pun-
ched in the face wasn’t
really the best idea thou-
gh. So she recommended
that he take a dance test
to point him in another
presumably safer direc-
tion. He thought that if he
started studying dance that
could help him a lot with
my martial arts career. At
age ten, he moved to the city
of Camaguey where he began
studying dance, but that didn’t
stop him from doing what he lo-
ved most, “Martial Arts”. He started
to train with friends on the streets
and in the school where they could
fight after classes without the teachers or
anyone else knowing. Once he became a pro-
fessional dancer he continued training in Martial
Arts everyday, which helped him
tremendously in his dance career