Page 23 - Martial Science Magazine Dec/2014 #6
P. 23

It was Friday the 13th when his surgery       him standing there alone and walked to
was scheduled. Generally considered a          him putting his hand affectionately on his
day of bad luck, this was hardly that. This    shoulder. Israel then said “Mark this day,
was the first step to healing the injury that  because one day I’m going to dance
had cost him what he loved so dearly, the      “That’s Life” again on this stage.” “That’s
ability to dance. On that first meeting with   Life”, choreographed by O. Terrence, had
his surgeon prior to the surgery he asked      been one of Israel’s acclaimed solo pie-
him “Can you make me dance again. I            ces performed multiple times at the Bob
want to be back next year to perform as        Carr. Pedro did not want to say any words
good as what I did before”. The Doctor         of discouragement, although he was
replied, “Everyone is different,” being very   thinking sadly that his friend would not be
honest, “I’m very good at what I do, and       able to perform again, even though in his
I will give you my very best. The surgery      heart he hoped that he would. On March
is the easy part, but the rest depends on      19th 2010, Israel did indeed perform
you.” Joshua Langford, MD was the mira-        “That’s Life” again at the Bob Car in Or-
cle worker that performed the repair to        lando Ballet’s production, “Battle of the
Israel’s Achilles tendon. After the surgery    Sexes II”. Israel is also very involved in film
Langford guided him through the process        production, so that evening; he had three
of recovery, a process he couldn’t pos-        cameras set up, two in the audience and
sibly believe would have the outcome           one behind him while he performed. He
that it did. This would be the most painful    actually had forgotten that moment with
convalescence Israel had ever had to go        his friend, until he began editing the foota-
through, but he kept his mind on the goal.     ge. When he saw the camera angle from
He pictured himself performing, dispelling     behind, his back to the camera looking
any doubts that crept into his conscious-      out into the audience in a standing ova-
ness, and refusing to accept any alterna-      tion, it hit him like a bolt of lightning. He re-
tive other than dancing again as he had        membered that moment looking out into
before. He told his wife Katia, “I’m going to  the empty theater and telling his friend
dance with you again.” with a determina-       “mark this day”. And there he was on film,
tion that accepted no other reality. When      the image of what he saw then. He im-
Orlando Ballet performed “Romeo and            mediately called his friend and said you
Juliet” Israel attended the performance.       have to come see this. When he showed
While everyone gathered backstage              him the footage, tears came to his Pedro’s
engaged in excited conversation, Israel        eyes. He had done it, the vision became
in the boot that stabilized his healing leg    reality. “That’s Life” lived again on stage, in
walked alone onto the center of the sta-       the way he had envisioned. In the way his
ge and looked out into the audience. His       entire being believed.
good friend, Pedro Franceschi, noticed

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