Page 24 - Martial Science Magazine Dec/2014 #6
P. 24
But there is more to the story of this an old man, huh,” Israel said, “thank
incredible recovery. His doctors told you so much for helping me to dan-
him, “Do only what I tell you and no ce again.” They could hardly belie-
more.” Unfortunately so many indivi- ve what they saw. This man, who told
duals, who have this kind of injury, go them “make me dance again”, was
back to dancing too early. They do living proof of the limitless capacity
more than they should, destroying of the human spirit to overcome.
their chances of recovering fully Their medical expertise coupled
to dance again. Israel has brought with the power of his determination
this message to many other dan- and refusal to believe in any other
cers with similar situations, spurring outcome, had brought him back to
them on to believe in the healing what he loved. He had told them, “I
power they have within. By doing want to be back next year to per-
everything his doctor and physical form as good as I did before.” And
therapist told him, he was able to there he was, almost exactly a year
walk in May of that same year, teach later, on stage dancing as he belie-
and take slow bar without the boot. ved he would. For them it was no-
No hard impact was allowed. Each thing short of miraculous.
time he saw Dr. Langford, he was
advised he could move the process Today he says with a smile, “I am
forward ahead of schedule. The now fully recovered and kicking.” His
Doctor couldn’t believe how quickly experience as a film maker is gi-
he was recovering. Israel’s actual ving him the opportunity to share his
comeback to Orlando Ballet came journey as a documentary. His goal
prior to his “That’s Life” performance. is to inspire and show others a way to
It would be on stage at the Orlando find their own path to recovery and
Convention Center as a guest ar- full functionality. “This is a message
tist dancing Bailamos on February for all, listen to your body, be honest
19th 2010. Fernando Bujones’ with yourself, build your strength, and
Bolero and Vos y Yo, a tango pas believe you are going to get better.
de deux he and Katia had choreo- Love exercise, more than just ballet,
graphed for themselves, were to stay in shape and you will last longer
be his showpieces. “That night dan- whatever your age.” Don’t listen to
cing with my wife again was my first the negativity that you’ll be bom-
dream come true. I couldn’t believe barded with. Tune out the people
it! I found myself, not only dancing who tell you, you can’t, that only a
with Katia, as I had promised her, but miracle will make you dance again.
jumping almost like before.” There “Until you go through something like
were two very special people in this no one can truly understand. Be
attendance that evening, his Doctor the miracle, you are blessed and
and physical therapist. After the per- believe.”
formance they both came back sta-
ge and with tears in their eyes threw
their arms around Israel. “Not bad for