Page 37 - Martial Science Magazine Feb/2014 #1
P. 37

functions and reacts. Sandokan is a result           tial science, biomechanics, and gravity and
of direct application of research and expe-          how the human body works, functions and
rience into human sciences of motion, force          reacts. Sandokan is a result of direct applica-
production, fitness, conditioning, kinesiology,      tion of research and experience into human
physiology and physics.                              sciences of motion, force production, fitness,
                                                     conditioning, kinesiology, physiology and
This system views body movement from a sci-          physics.
entific vantage point, and judges whether a
technique or method is efficient or inefficient,     I was very fortunate to train with a lot of dif-
not based on some category of which is “the          ferent Grandmasters and became friends with
best” in any given style. Instead, it is judged      many of them. Through the years, I have
in terms of scientific pragmatism, with the          also met many martial arts practitioners who
knowledge of balance, coordination, and body         have an excellent skill yet some who do not
alignment, so that the student may safely de-        have a full understanding of the science be-
liver a strike while simultaneously maximizing       hind the arts. So I have dedicated my life to
his or her focus on optimum power.                   travelling, propogating and teaching the scien-
                                                     tific approach to martial arts as well as my sys-
Martial Arts is a physical activity and as a result  tem, Sandokan. Sandokan is now practiced
is governed by the various physical laws and         in many schools within the United States, as
principles that regulate the world of nature,        well as Canada and European countries such
such as the laws found in Newtonian physics.         as Poland, Germany and Switzerland, just to
By virtue of this, every individual will become      name a few.
a better martial artist when they learn to train
scientifically. This does not require studying       For more information about Grandmaster Les
different arts, but rather a study of the human      Kiersnowski, Sandokan System or to find the
sciences of mechanics, dynamics and phys-            weapons which are specifically designed for
iology. Sandokan will provide the practitioner       the Sandokan System, please view the web-
a solid comprehension of all pressure points         site
and joint manipulation of the body. This sys-
tem employs triangular yet linier footwork to
achieve a strong anatomical foundation.

To learn this system is to comprehend how the
body works offensively and defensively. It is
a complete system on its own or a perfect en-
hancement to any other style or system.

This system has its own bladed weapons,

designed specifically using

the physics of anatomy. The

weapons are designed to be Sandokan, The Cutting Edge
                                 Martial Arts.
an anatomical extension of the

practitioner’s hand, maximizing

linier positioning.              BUY

The Sandokan system com-

prises an understanding of mar-
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