Page 40 - Martial Science Magazine Feb/2014 #1
P. 40

Kyusho, Vital Point.

                                                     By: Evan Pantazi

Most Martial Artists today spend decades of their    style is based on, as opposed to researching and
life researching and practicing the physiology       experiencing this fundamental base? This was
of a punch, kick, grab or manipulation of the        the secret all Martial Artist sought, yet now that
human body, but not the physiology of the body       it was found and presented, it is largely shunned.
functionality itself. So few seek the ancient        To properly understand the ancient styles and
knowledge of the vital areas inter-relationships     forms of the Martial Arts, we must understand
or anatomical structures that most efficiently       the totality of the human body.
accomplish these skills, or can in reverse           As Martial Artists we live by a code that is a state
engineering; incapacitate the same functionality     of constant refinement and quest for efficiency,
of an opponent. These structures or components       this is our passion. We constantly work to develop
are one in the same and inseparable, yet most        strategy and physical abilities that will overcome
seek just the cause and not the effect or how to     an adversary (primarily our own prior limitations),
cause specific effect.                               much larger or stronger than ourselves. We
We as serious Martial Artists need to ask why        constantly work to improve not only our muscle
this is so, if we are to fully understand let alone  strength, flexibility and endurance, but also that
accomplish the total experience. Why would any       of muscle memory. This is all attained through
master, expert or student not want to know the       incalculable repetition at the surface level, but
weaker structures of the body and how to affect      at a mental, spiritual and neurological level at its
them more efficiently or strategically, is this not  core. As such we constantly work to refine and
what we do or quest for? Why would some spend        develop our neurological motor skills by rewiring
more time refuting, denying or ignoring that         our internal
there are weaker anatomical targets that their

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