Page 42 - Martial Science Magazine Feb/2014 #1
P. 42

In Judo founded by Jigoro Kano, there is docu- Martial Artists in turn help yet more people find
mented though rarely taught Atemi Waza.               this totality.

In Wing Tsun the wooden dummy form and prac-          More and more the students, not the instructors
tice was to train the proper way to apply the Dim     are searching and finding the truth in studying
Mak (deep Kyusho) or the blood/                       the arts in their totality, which includes the
nerve targets of the body.                            Kyusho so ignored, refuted or dismissed by in-
In Aikido Ueshiba wrote that                          structors. Kyusho has now in modern times has
Aikido was 80% Atemi (point                           reached critical mass, whereas its truth and the
targeting)… So why is this                            quest by hungry students is self-perpetuating and
not trained accordingly?                              can no longer be shunned by instructors if they
Elders of Chi-                                        are to retain the student. We can see even the
nese, Oki-                                            mainstream is picking up on the use of these vi-
nawan                                                 tal points and using it more and more in movies,
and Jap-                                              books and advertising. A couple of the newer
anese                                                 movies (of a long list) were Sherlock Holmes and
lism                                                      Jack Reacher. Even Dan Brown author of the
docu-                                                        DaVinci code is writing about it in his latest
                                                                best seller Inferno… it is even mentioned
                                                                 in TV ads for mattresses! So why are
                                                                 Martial Artists the last hold outs on this
                                                                  ancient and thriving aspect of the arts?

Kyusho                                                               Kyusho is real and it is very simple
                                                                       when learned and practiced correct-
   mented these Kyusho and or Dim Mak targets in                        ly… one strike can end a situation
   so many forms such as the Bubishi, Secret Style                       and yes it is street effective if that
   Notes, Scrolls and more importantly embedded                          is the goal. And before the inevi-
   in the Katas, Forms or Kumites. When we take                          table question arises, it is already
   all of this into account we cannot dismiss that                       being used in the MMA matches.
   Kyusho is real, that it is not worth the study or                    The aim here is not to sway you
   effort, because the founders of each art did. It
   is the truth of the whole picture as opposed to                   to a particular group or method, but
   the cover of half that we must seek, realize and   rather to first inform you of what Kyusho really
   build on… especially now that we have the good     is, how it works and then how we can all help the
   fortune it has surfaced from the obscurity it was  Arts and others benefit with it, but more on that
   once captive by. We must now keep it alive and     later in this series of articles that aim to set the
   help it perpetuate so that we may help our fellow  record straight on what Kyusho is and how it can
                                                      benefit us all in the arts.
                                                      © Evan Pantazi 2013

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