Page 41 - Martial Science Magazine Feb/2014 #1
P. 41
head of our opponent: The typical Martial
Artist will try to deliver the most powerful
blow, with the most conditioned weapon on
which they spent countless hours training and
conditioning with absolute focus and study,
yet when that finely honed weapon is used,
the aim is general and with no effort to land on
the most efficient target or structure on the
head. Without such study on the best places
or targets of the head or the ramifications or
body reactions to that attack, how can we
ever attain our full potential? We must study
the anatomy and physiology of the anatomy
to complete our training on both the external
as well as internal sides. By training only
half of the total possibility, we can only ever
achieve half of the potential. Now what if
we could do all of this without seriously or
permanently damaging the other individual,
is that not the epitome of a true Artist? No
it is not myth, not a dream, not BS, it is real
and it is Kyusho.
messaging and physical skill to be automatic in This raises yet another question; how can
response. Yet few will expend the time or effort we pass on this ancient knowledge and skill
in targeting these same physiological aspects to prescribed by their styles founder if we do
inhibit or incapacitate them in an adversary. not use all that the founder documented?
So again the question arises; why would the Now here is a rather harsh reality we must
perpetual student, master or expert not seek take into account; how can one claim to be
deeper understanding of the nervous, muscle, a master or expert when we only learn, study
autonomic and motor systems of the body? Why and teach half of the totality of the art? And
would they only seek to learn half of the whole? how could we even be considered a student if we
And why would we or anyone dismiss this obvious ignore, dismiss or condemn without research or
connection or totality, especially without full experience, is it not the responsibility or calling
effort first? of a student to seek all aspects of their given field
of study?
In Shotokan, Funakoshi documented Kyusho (vital
point targeting) in his writings, but it is not widely
known, trained or revered as part of the style he
Please understand that these questions are not In Tae Kwon Do, General Choi documented the
asked to demean, but rather to hopefully initiate vital points or Kyusho in his writings as well, yet
the search for the whole in more participants of it is not known, understood or utilized as the
the arts… no matter what style the individual founder had intended.
trains, as it is never the art or style that is the In Ninjitsu, Seiko Fujita not only documented the
ultimate resource it is always their individual vital points and their effects on the human body,
soul. but also that of 15 other styles in his writings.
To explain further if we take a punch to the
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