Page 12 - Phelan Energy Green Ammonia Plant Egypt
P. 12

  Executive Summary – Financing Plan
o PEG estimates the pilot phase of the project to cost $423m.
o PEG has sufficient equity of $105m earmarked towards the project
o PEG plans to fund the project cost through a mix of its own equity and third- party non-recourse project finance debt / ECA funding
o PEG will access trade finance / supply chain finance solutions during construction to optimize funding costs
o PEG will raise third party non-recourse debt from a mixture of following sources:
• Local/regional/ International commercial lenders
• Development finance Institutions (DFIs)
o PEG will also be supported by their financial advisors (Synergy Consulting) which has experience of raising more than $50bn of debt globally for infrastructure projects.
Sources & Uses of Funds
    *Extracted from PEG/Egypt base case Financial Model
 © Phelan Energy Group

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