Page 19 - Simplified Wastewater Treatment Fundamentals\SBR
P. 19
Sequential Batch Reactors (SBR)
SBR’s provide the Operator with flexibility. During low seasonal flows, the Operator
can reduce the number of SBR tanks online. During high flows, the Operator can
place additional SBR Tanks online.
During colder seasonal temperatures, the Operator can extend aeration time and
settling time when colder temperatures slow metabolisms and result in denser
water and slower settling mixed liquor.
During seasonally warmer weather, aeration time and settling time can be
If an SBR facility is infected with a population of slow settling filamentous bacteria,
the Operator can lengthen settling time to help bulking sludge to better settle
until the core cause (filaments) can be reduced in population utilizing a calculated
low dose of chlorine or sodium hypochlorite.