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4 Facebook Mistakes You May Be Making

                                                                 Why ThiS iS a miSTake. If your posts
                                                                 appear irregularly, you will not remain
                                                                 uppermost in your readers’ minds and
                                                                 you’ll be forgotten.

                                                                 The SOLUTiON. Create a schedule of
                                                                 regular posts, whether that means once a
                                                                 day for five days a week or three times a
                                                                 week. Stick with the schedule of regular
                                                                 interesting posts.
                                                                 3. Posting inappropriate, offensive

                                                                 Why ThiS iS a miSTake. It pretty
                                                                 much goes without saying that if you post
                   acebook has become a staple in the            inappropriate content, you will offend
                   marketing arsenal of pest control             readers. And that certainly should NOT be
                   companies and rightly so. And                 your facebook goal.
          Fkeeping in touch with customers                       The SOLUTiON. Avoid posts regarding:
            and prospects, getting your message out              politics, religion, profanity, off color jokes,
            there and making a good impression with              rants, unprofessional behavior, discussion
            readers is why you use facebook. Right?              of negative dealings with customers or
            But I’ve found three major mistakes pest             criticism of your competitors.
            control companies (as well as a lot of               4. Using no graphics or videos
            other small companies) make and I’m                  Why ThiS iS a miSTake. Statistics
            happy to share those and their solutions             show that the posts that get the most
                                                                 comments, likes and shares are those that
            1. Posting information about JUST                    include a picture or preferably, a video.
            your company or JUST your industry.
                                                                 The SOLUTiON. Take photos of your
            Why ThiS iS a miSTake. People like                   technicians on the job for the two pest
            variety and will tire of seeing your posts if        control posts each week or carefully
            the posts are completely self-serving.               choose relevant photos or graphics from

            The SOLUTiON. If you post once a day                 some of the sites in my free report below.
            for five days each week, plan your posts                So there you have it! If you need help
            with something like the following formula.           with your facebook posts, give me a call
            Monday: Inspiration; Tuesday: Bug of the             800-779-0067!
            week; Wednesday: General (recipe, tips,              June Van Klaveren focuses on helping
            hints); Thursday: About your company                 pest control companies and other small
            (video or photo); Friday: Humorous post.
                                                                 companies market their services. Email
            2. Posting sporadically or just when        or call 636-394-
            you have something to post.                          4148.
            Page 10                                                                IPMA Connection • 2nd Quarter, 2019
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