Page 8 - IPMA_nsltr_2ndQtr2019_Neat
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Blog Article for Your Use

               Feel free to copy and use this article            but give it a quick wash with detergent
            on your blog. (Click here to download this           before the next feeding.
            blog in Word format.)                                •  Seal any cracks and crevices on the
            What you can do to keep                              outside of the home with silicone caulk,
            ants OUTSIDE!                                        paying special attention to areas where
               Ant prevention isn’t too different from           utility pipes enter.
            general insect prevention: the overall               •  Rake back mulch, pine straw or other
            goal is to keep them on the OUTSIDE and              landscape bedding at least 6 inches from
            prevent them from entering your home. If             the structure to create a “dry zone” that
            you take the following steps, ants should            ants are likely to avoid.
            not be a major problem:
                                                                 •  If you have fruit trees nearby, remove
            •  Eliminate water sources, one of the               ripe fruit from the trees and off the ground
            ant’s life requirements. That means                  around them.
            repairing leaking faucets, water heaters             •  Store outdoor trash cans and
            and other water sources inside the home.
                                                                 dumpsters as far away from your home as
            •  Eliminate food sources, including any             possible and be sure they have tight-fitting
            sweet spills in the kitchen. Most tiny ants          lids.
            that enter your home are looking for
            sweets, whether it’s a spilled Coke that             •  Thoroughly wash out trash cans and
            hasn’t been thoroughly cleaned up or an              dumpsters with an ammonia solution when
            open bowl of fruit.                                  needed.
                                                                 •  The best way to prevent ants – call
            •  Pet bowls can attract ants, so keep               (your pest control company).
            them clean! Fido’s bowl may LOOK clean

            Page 8                                                                 IPMA Connection • 2nd Quarter, 2019
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