Page 6 - IPMA_nsltr_2ndQtr2019_Neat
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            Carpenter Ants in the


                      arpenter ants are very abundant
                      in Iowa, and are common pests
                      in homes and other buildings.
           CThe most common carpenter                            by chewing an interconnecting series of
            ants are the familiar “large, black ants”            tunnels and cavities. Wood is removed
            that are one-half inch or more in length             as coarse sawdust that is pushed from
            and shiny black.  Other kinds of carpenter           the nest. The sawdust may include other
            ants, however, are as small as one-quarter           debris such as dead ants and parts of
            inch and are reddish brown or two-                   insects and other food.
            toned.  One consistent characteristic of all            Carpenter ants found indoors in
            carpenter ants is the smoothly rounded               the winter usually come from nests
            outline of the thorax when viewed from               somewhere within the house.  Ants
            the side.  See the ISU website for an                found indoors during spring or summer
            identification guide to common ants of               or on very warm days in winter could be
            Iowa.       invaders wandering in from outdoors or
            ants-iowa-common                                     they may be foragers from a nest in the
                                                                 wall or ceiling. While there is no easy
                                                                 way to determine the source, it does pay
                                                                 to check carefully before making any
                                                                    Locating the source of carpenter ants
                                                                 is as important as it is difficult.  It is
                                                                 especially difficult if you see only a few
                                                                 ants at one time.  Our best suggestion
                                                                 is to spend time observing ants to see if
                                                                 you can detect a pattern of movement.
                                                                 In spring and summer carpenter ants are
                                                                 more active at night and observations

               Carpenter ants do not eat wood but
            instead construct their nests in wood
            such as hollow trees, stumps, logs, posts,
            landscaping timbers, and the lumber used
            in homes and other structures, especially
            moist, decaying wood.  Carpenter ants
            will also excavate soft materials such as
            foam insulation boards.  Nests are made

            Page 6                                                                 IPMA Connection • 2nd Quarter, 2019
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