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after sunset, with a flashlight on the Low/No Cost Marketing
outside and inside of the house may give
an indication of the source. Presence of Ideas By June Van Klaveren
sawdust is an important clue in locating • Develop your point of differentiation,
carpenter ant nests.
i.e. what you offer that is different from
Under ideal circumstances, the best your competition and write it down.
carpenter ant control comes by locating Use it as a basis of all your marketing
and treating the nest (indoors or out). efforts.
Replace damaged or decayed wood and • Ask permission from your customer to
thoroughly seal the structure to eliminate use their name when you contact their
future moisture problems. The practical referrals. Then write a letter to each
alternative indoors is to treat room edges, referral and follow up with a phone call
cracks and crevices in the areas where a week later. If the referral becomes
foraging workers are abundant and hope a customer, send a thank you note
to reduce the population through gradual or small gift of appreciation to the
elimination of the foragers. Outdoor
customer who provided the referral.
• Use your phone to market! Call
customers to keep in touch, offer help
or just say hello. Use the phone to
follow up after completing a job for a
• Prepare a direct mailing using a
personal letter detailing a service or
product you have to offer. Include
perimeter treatments with residual a personal line or two in each letter
insecticide may also be useful. (preferably in your own handwriting).
OTC ant bait products that contain a • Prepare a short press release about
sweet food may not eliminate carpenter your business and send it to local
ants. However, specially formulated papers.
carpenter ant baits available to • Seek out opportunities to speak in
professional pest managers and have public about your area of expertise.
been very effective. Place bait indoors
where activity has been observed or is • Use technology to contact customers in
suspected. Monitor bait and place more if the form of an e-blast.
it is consumed or remove it if there is no • Let your business card tell your story.
activity. Outdoor granular baits may be Print a list of services on the back of
effective when applied according to label your card.
directions. June Van Klaveren focuses on helping
pest control companies and other small
Donald Lewis, Extension Entomologist, Iowa companies market their services. Email
State University, May 2019 or call 636-394-
IPMA Connection • 2nd Quarter, 2019 Page 7