Page 3 - IPMA_nsltr_2ndQtr2019_Neat
P. 3
From the President
Jeff Cochran
As I write this, it is once
again raining. I don’t
think that we need
to trade our service Table of
vehicles in for boats
yet, but parts of Iowa
are getting pretty close
to that point. Let me
encourage you to start
planning how you are going to respond to
the change of insect and rodent patterns
as the rain and high water effect the
present insect and rodent harborage
areas. Do you need to offer more rodent 5 Tell. Don’t Ask.
protection around businesses and
homes? Do you presently offer mosquito
protection? Should you add that to your 6-7 Pest of the Quarter - Carpenter Ants
offerings? How about ants? Have you
had to adjust the way you bill ant jobs?
The more it rains, the more they bud 7 Low/No Cost Marketing Ideas
and attack the living quarters of our
customers. This is a great time to get
creative with our services to make sure 8 Blog Post for Your Use
that we are fine tuning and providing our
customers with the services that they 9 What You Should Tell Your
Customers About Carpenter Ants
We hope you plan to join us in
November at our state meeting. We have
a great lineup of speakers, including Dr. 10 4 Facebook Mistakes
Dini Miller and Dr. Bobby Corrigan on
Thursday and Friday. As we continue
the preparation for our 2019 state 12 Scholarship Winner
meeting, we are beginning to lay the
ground work for 2020. If you have any
recommendations, now would be a great 14 Board of Directors
time to contact the office.
Have a Great Summer,
Jeff Cochran, President IPMA
IPMA Connection • 2nd Quarter, 2019 Page 3