Page 50 - Ecobank Gambia Annual Report 2020
P. 50

Financial Statements & Annual Report

Notes to the Financial Statements

for the year ended 31 December 2020 (in Thousands of Gambian Dalasis)

period of time and for other basic lending risks and costs    The Bank renegotiates loans to customers in financial
(e.g. liquidity risk and administrative costs), as well as    difficulty to maximise collection and minimise the risk
profit margin.                                                of default. A loan forbearance is granted in cases where
In assessing whether the contractual cash flows are           although the borrower made all reasonable efforts to pay
solely payments of principal and interest, the Bank           under the original contractual terms, there is a high risk of
considers the contractual terms of the instrument. This       default or default has already happened and the borrower
includes assessing whether the financial asset contains a     is expected to be able to meet the revised terms. The
contractual term that could change the timing or amount       revised terms in most of the cases include an extension
of contractual cash flows such that it would not meet this    of the maturity of the loan, changes to the timing of the
condition. In making the assessment, the Bank considers:      cash flows of the loan (principal and interest repayment),
¦	 contingent events that would change the amount             reduction in the amount of cash flows due (principal and
                                                              interest forgiveness) and amendments to covenants. The
     and timing of cash flows;                                Bank has an established forbearance policy which applies
¦	 leverage features;                                         for corporate and retail lending.
¦	 prepayment and extension terms;                            ii) Financial Liabilities
¦	 terms that limit the Bank’s claim to cash flows
                                                              The accounting for financial liabilities remains largely the
     from specified assets (e.g. nonrecourse asset            same under IFRS 9 as it was under IAS 39, except for the
     arrangements); and                                       treatment of gains or losses arising from an entity’s own
¦	 features that modify consideration of the time value       credit risk relating to liabilities designated at FVTPL. Such
     of money – e.g. periodical reset of interest rates.      movements are presented in OCI with no subsequent
F) Reclassifications                                          reclassification to the income statement. The Bank
                                                              does not currently have such instruments. Under IFRS 9,
If the business model under which the Bank holds              embedded derivatives are no longer separated from a
financial assets changes, the financial assets affected       host financial asset. Instead, financial assets are classified
are reclassified. The classification and measurement          based on the business model and their contractual terms.
requirements related to the new category apply                The accounting for derivatives embedded in financial
prospectively from the first day of the first reporting       liabilities and in non-financial host contracts has not
period following the change in business model that            changed.
results in reclassifying the Bank’s financial assets. During  11.7 Property, Plant and Equipment
the current financial year and previous accounting period
there was no change in the business model under               Property and equipment are stated at cost less
which the Bank holds financial assets and therefore no        depreciation. Cost includes expenditure that is directly
reclassifications were made. Changes in contractual cash      attributable to the acquisition of the items.
flows are considered under the accounting policy on
Modification and derecognition of financial assets.           Subsequent expenditures are included in the asset’s
G) Modification and derecognition of financial assets         carrying amount or are recognised as a separate asset
                                                              only when it is probable that future economic benefits
A modification of a financial asset occurs when the           associated with the item will flow to the bank and the
contractual terms governing the cash flows of a financial     cost of the item can be measured reliably. The carrying
asset are renegotiated or otherwise modified between          amount of a replaced part is derecognised.
initial recognition and maturity of the financial asset. A
modification affects the amount and/or timing of the          All other repair and maintenance costs are charged to
contractual cash flows either immediately or at a future      profit or loss during the financial period in which they
date. In addition, the introduction or adjustment of          are incurred.
existing covenants of an existing loan would constitute a
modification even if these new or adjusted covenants do       Depreciation is recognised in profit or loss on a straight
not yet affect the cash flows immediately but may affect      line basis to write off the gross value less residual
the cash flows depending on whether the covenant is or        amounts over their estimated useful lives as follows:
is not met (e.g. a change to the increase in the interest
rate that arises when covenants are breached).                Machinery & equipment 	  20%

                                                              Furniture & fixtures 	   20%

                                                              Installation 	           5%

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