Page 53 - Ecobank Gambia Annual Report 2020
P. 53

changes in lifetime expected credit losses since initial      ¦	 the borrower is unlikely to pay its credit obligations
recognition. At each reporting date, an entity shall               to the Bank in full due to changes in economic
recognise in profit or loss the amount of the change in            conditions;
lifetime expected credit losses as an impairment gain
or loss. An entity shall recognise favourable changes in      ¦	 when Customer risk rating deteriorates to 9-10 based
lifetime expected credit losses as an impairment gain,             on internal risk rating (ORR)
even if the lifetime expected credit losses are less than
the amount of expected credit losses that were included       The definition of default is appropriately tailored to
in the estimated cash flows on initial recognition.           reflect different characteristics of different types of
ECLs are a probability-weighted estimate of the present       assets. Overdrafts are considered as being past due
value of credit losses. These are measured as the present     once the customer has breached an advised limit or has
value of the difference between the cash flows due to         been advised of a limit smaller than the current amount
the Bank under the contract and the cash flows that the       outstanding.
Bank expects to receive arising from the weighting of         When assessing if the borrower is unlikely to pay its
multiple future economic scenarios, discounted at the         credit obligation, the Bank takes into account both
asset’s EIR.                                                  qualitative and quantitative indicators. The information
For undrawn loan commitments, the ECL is the difference       assessed depends on the type of the asset, for example
between the present value of the difference between the       in corporate lending a qualitative indicator used is the
Contractual cash flows that are due to the Bank if the        breach of covenants, which is not relevant for retail
holder of the commitment draws down the loan and the          lending. Quantitative indicators, such as overdue status
cash flows that the Bank expects to receive if the loan is    and non-payment on another obligation of the same
drawn down; and                                               counterparty are key inputs in this analysis. The Bank
For financial guarantee contracts, the ECL is the difference  uses a variety of sources of information to assess default
between the expected payments to reimburse the holder         which are either developed internally or obtained from
of the guaranteed debt instrument less any amounts that       external sources. This class of loans are categorized as
the Bank expects to receive from the holder, the debtor       stage ‘3’ in the ECL model and assessed for lifetime
or any other party.                                           impairment loss in line with the standard.
The Bank measures ECL on an individual basis, or on a         Significant increase in credit risk
collective basis for portfolios of loans that share similar   The Bank monitors all financial assets, issued loan
economic risk characteristics. The measurement of the         commitments and financial guarantee contracts that are
loss allowance is based on the present value of the           subject to the impairment requirements to assess whether
asset’s expected cash flows using the asset’s original EIR,   there has been a significant increase in credit risk since
regardless of whether it is measured on an individual         initial recognition. If there has been a significant increase
basis or a collective basis.                                  in credit risk the Bank will measure the loss allowance
More information on measurement of ECLs is provided           based on lifetime rather than 12-month ECL. The Bank’s
in note 11.10, including details on how instruments are       accounting policy is not to use the practical expedient
grouped when they are assessed on a collective basis.         that financial assets with ‘low’ credit risk at the reporting
Definition of default                                         date are deemed not to have had a significant increase
Critical to the determination of ECL is the definition of     in credit risk. As a result the Bank monitors all financial
default. The definition of default is used in measuring       assets, issued loan commitments and financial guarantee
the amount of ECL and in the determination of whether         contracts that are subject to impairment for significant
the loss allowance is based on 12-month or lifetime ECL,      increase in credit risk.
as default is a component of the probability of default       In assessing whether the credit risk on a financial
(PD) which affects both the measurement of ECLs and the       instrument has increased significantly since initial
identification of a significant increase in credit risk.      recognition, the Bank compares the risk of a default
The Bank considers the following as constituting an event     occurring on the financial instrument at the reporting date
of default:                                                   based on the remaining maturity of the instrument with
¦	 the borrower is past due more than 90 days on any          the risk of a default occurring that was anticipated for the
                                                              remaining maturity at the current reporting date when
     material credit obligation to the Bank; or               the financial instrument was first recognised. In making
                                                              this assessment, the Bank considers both quantitative                                               and qualitative information that is reasonable and

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