Page 55 - Ecobank Gambia Annual Report 2020
P. 55

Internal credit risk ratings                                 ¦	 Extent of utilisation of granted limit;
                                                             ¦	 Forbearances (both requested and granted);
In order to minimise credit risk, the bank adopted the       ¦	 Changes in business, financial and economic
credit risk grading from the parent company- Ecobank
Transnational Incorporated which categorise exposures             conditions;
according to their degree of risk of default. The Group’s    ¦	 Credit rating information supplied by external rating
credit risk grading framework comprises ten categories.
The credit rating information is based on a range of              agencies;
data that is determined to be predictive of the risk of      ¦	 For retail exposures: internally generated data of
default and applying experienced credit judgement.
The nature of the exposure and type of borrower are               customer behavior, affordability metrics etc.; and
taken into account in the analysis. Credit risk grades are   ¦	 For corporate exposures: information obtained by
defined using qualitative and quantitative factors that are
indicative of risk of default.                                    periodic review of customer files including audited
The credit risk grades are designed and calibrated to             financial statements review, market data such as
reflect the risk of default as credit risk deteriorates. As       prices of credit default swaps (CDS) or quoted bonds
the credit risk increases the difference in risk of default       where available, changes in the financial sector the
between grades changes. Each exposure is allocated                customer operates etc.
to a credit risk grade at initial recognition, based on      The Bank uses credit risk grades as a primary input into
the available information about the counterparty. All        the determination of the term structure of the PD for
exposures are monitored and the credit risk grade is         exposures. The Bank collects performance and default
updated to reflect current information. The monitoring       information about its credit risk exposures analysed by
procedures followed are both general and tailored to the     jurisdiction or region and by type of product and borrower
type of exposure.                                            as well as by credit risk grading. The information used
The following data are typically used to monitor the         is both internal and external depending on the portfolio
Bank’s exposures:                                            assessed. The table below provides a mapping of the
¦	 Payment record, including payment ratios and ageing       Group’s internal credit risk grades to external ratings.


                                          Risk rating mapping

Bank’s credit risk grades	  S&P rating	   Fitch	               Moody’s	      Description
2	                          AAA	          AAA	                 Aaa	          Low to fair risk
4	                          AA+ to AA	    AA+ to AA	           Aa1+Aa2	      Low to fair risk
6	                          A+ to A	      A+ to A	             A1+A	         Low to fair risk
8	                          BBB+ to BBB	  BBB+ to BBB	         Baa1 + Baa2	  Low to fair risk
10	                         BB+ to BB	    BB+ to BB	           Ba1 + Ba2	    Monitoring

                            B+ to B	      B+ to B	             B1 + B2	      Monitoring

                            CCC+	CCC+	Caa	 Monitoring

                            CCC	 CCC	Caa	 Substandard

                            CC+ to CC-	   CC+ to CC-	          Ca to C	      Impaired

                            C, D	         C, D	                Ca to C	      Impaired                                                          Ecobank Gambia Annual Report 2020 53
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