Page 59 - Ecobank Gambia Annual Report 2020
P. 59
Class of financial instrument Financial statement line Note
Loans and advances to banks at amortised cost Loans and advances to banks Note 11.24
Loans and advances to customers at amortised cost Loans and advances to customers Note 11.25
Debt investment securities at amortised cost Investment securities Note 11.27
Loan commitments and financial guarantee contracts Provisions Note 11.39
Movement of Loss Allowances by Assets
The table below summarizes the loss allowance as of the year end by class of exposure/asset.
Year ended 2020 Year ended 2019
GMD’000 GMD’000
Loss allowance by classes
Loans and advances to banks at amortised cost CUm CUm
Loans and advances to customers at amortised cost
Debt investment securities at amortised cost - -
Loan commitments
Financial guarantee contracts 17,425 4,366
- -
- -
450 556
17,875 4,921
The tables below analyses the movement of the loss allowance during the year per class of assets. Ecobank Gambia Annual Report 2020 57