Page 63 - Ecobank Gambia Annual Report 2020
P. 63
The above represents the maximum exposure to credit risk (2020: 41%); investments held in Government securities
at 31 December 2020 and 2019, without taking account represent 27% (2019: 22%).
of any collateral held or other credit enhancements Management is confident in its ability to continue
attached. For on-balance-sheet assets, the exposures set controlling and sustaining minimal exposure to credit risk
out above are based on net carrying amounts reported in arising from both its loans and advances portfolio and
the consolidated statement of financial position. investment securities.
As shown above, 43% of the total maximum exposure is
derived from loans and advances to banks and customers
Loans and advances
Loans and advances are summarized as follows:
31 December 2020 31 December 2019
Loans and Loans and Loans and Loans and
advances to advances to advances to advances to
banks customers banks customers
Neither past due nor impaired 3,390,783 1,093,759 2,281,073 1,656,253
Past due but not impaired 1,387 3,810
Impaired 18,276 25,204
Gross 3,390,783 1,113,421 2,281,073 1,685,267
- -
Less: allowance for impairment (17,427) (4,367)
Net 3,390,783 1,095,995 2,281,073 1,680,900
The credit quality of the portfolio of loans and advances to customers that were neither past due nor impaired can be
assessed by reference to the internal rating system adopted by the Bank. Grading of current and Watch List are not
considered past due or impaired.
Loans and advances to customers:
(All amounts in GMD’000)
Corporate & Consumer Bank Commercial Bank Total
Investment Bank
Over Term Over Term Over Term
Grades: drafts loans drafts loans drafts Loans
1. Current 99,142 346,282 9,615 147,479 148,550 362,353 1,113,421
Watch List - - - - - - -
Total 99,142 346,282 9,615 147,479 148,550 362,353 1,113,421 Ecobank Gambia Annual Report 2020 61