Page 71 - Ecobank Gambia Annual Report 2020
P. 71

revisiting the market risk management policies and         issuance of foreign currency debt in order to raise funds
relative limits to                                         from international markets, which is managed using
ensure that the Bank’s market risk management objective    hedging strategies.
is met.                                                    Market interest rate risk may result in of loss from
The Bank does not hold any exposure which are traded       fluctuations in the future cash flows or fair values of
in its portfolios.                                         financial instruments. Interest rate risk is managed
Non-trading portfolio                                      principally through monitoring interest rate gaps and
The main non-trading risk types are structural foreign     basis risk and by having pre-approved limits for repricing
exchange, interest rates and credit spreads.               bands.
Structural foreign exchange risk derives from the Group’s  Credit spreads reflect the credit risk of the financial
net investments in foreign operations, as well as from     instrument, i.e. risk that a customer or counterparty will
                                                           default on its contractual obligations resulting in financial
                                                           loss to the Bank.

The following table sets out the allocation of the carrying value of assets and liabilities subject to market risk between
trading and non-trading portfolios:

	                                                          Carrying	            Trading	Non-trading
	                                                          amount	              portfolios 	  portfolios
	                                                          GMD’000 	            GMD’000 	     GMD’000


Assets subject to market risk

Cash and cash equivalents 	                                2,465,197 	          - 	 2,465,197

Loans and advances to banks 	                              3,390,783 	          - 	 3,390,783

Loans and advances to customers 	                          1,095,995 	          - 	 1,095,995

Investment securities 	                                    3,738,449 	          - 	 3,738,449

	                                                          10,690,424 	         - 	 10,690,424

Liabilities subject to market risk

Deposits from banks 	                                      165,404 	            - 	 165,404

Deposits from customers 	                                  8,987,134 	          - 	 8,987,134

Debt secrities issued 	                                    -	 -	 -

	                                                          9,152,538 	          -	 9,152,538

• Investment securities is the addition of Treasury Bills and Government bonds                                                                 Ecobank Gambia Annual Report 2020 69
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