Page 85 - Ecobank Gambia Annual Report 2020
P. 85

The average number of staff employed during the year (including directors) analyzed by category, is as follows:

Number of employees

	                                   2020 	       2019

Executive Directors 	                  1	           1
Management Staff 	                   10 	         10
General Staff 	                     117 	        116
	                                   128 	        127

11.18 Other expenses

	                                       2020 	       2019
Directors emoluments 	                 2,670 	      2,276
Social responsibility 	
Rent and Utilities 	                     674 	        955
Insurance 	                          10,311 	     13,913
Advertising and promotion 	
Professional fees 	                    8,576 	      1,384
Audit Fees 	                           2,047 	      2,342
Regulatory Penalties 	                              2,247
Management Fees 	                        546 	      1,131
Operational Losss 	                    1,090 	
Communication and technology 	                            -
Business travels 	                           -	   41,553
AGM and Board activities 	           51,152 	
Training 	                                          4,085
Employee activities 	                  2,404 	    75,954
Repairs and maintenances 	           63,323 	
Supplies and services 	                             7,691
Cash transportation 	                  1,504 	        202
Fuel 	                                   164 	
Other Taxes 	                                       4,550
Card Expenses(Visa & mastercard) 	     1,141 	      3,361
Other administrative expenses 	        7,247 	      2,925
	                                      3,670 	      3,920
                                       7,297 	    16,313
                                       9,330 	      3,458
                                       3,945 	      9,506
                                     16,347 	     25,376
                                     24,462 	       9,916
                                       3,864 	   233,059

Operational loss: These relates to provisions made against potential operational losses during the financial year under
review.                                  Ecobank Gambia Annual Report 2020 83
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