Page 11 - Parent Hanbook
P. 11


                                       rep-school 4 - 5 years

                                 By the time      your child moves into this age group at our Centre,   extend children's interests further and for longer periods of time. We
                                 he/she will be developing a whole range of new skills. Our aim in this   will involve you in our projects, and bring in visitors from the
                                 age group is primarily to encourage children's independence and self   community whenever we can so your child can experience as much of
                                 help skills. We base all our learning experiences on children's needs   the wider community as possible.
                                 and interests and work with you to exchange information about your
                                 child's development. We do not establish 'criteria for success' but   Our prepschool facilities and programme have been designed to both
                                 rather encourage every child to learn and progress as their individual   challenge and stimulate. Our gym/ music room are also a large part of
                                 development dictates.                                       this programme where the focus continues to be around 'learning
                                                                                             through doing'. Individual portfolios continue in this room allowing
                                 We recognise the importance of providing children with the best   teachers to follow a child's needs and interests right through to their
                                     standards of education which is appropriate to their age. Our   transition to school. We offer a specialized transition to school program
                                        programme allows for both structure and free choice   which ensures that your child is ready for the next
                                          offering activities that develop early numeracy, language   exciting step in his/her development.
                                           and literacy, physical development, personal, social and
                                            emotional development, creative development, and   View our Transition Policy to see how we ensure your
                                             knowledge and understanding of the world. There is   child's needs are met as they transition from one
                                              a lot of project work in this room as we are able to   room to the next and on to Primary School.
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