Page 13 - Parent Hanbook
P. 13
Extra Time
At Child's Time we aim to go above and beyond expectations. Here are some of the children's meals should they have allergies or specific dietary requirements. See your
extra items we offer. Centre Manager for a menu of the meals offered at your centre. Please note, not all
centres provide a hot lunch.
Outdoor and Indoor Space: Drinks are provided throughout the day. Cow's milk is also provided for children
We believe every child should have the ability to grow and develop to their full with bottles. We are happy to make up younger babies formula in the centre.
potential. For that to happen facilities and spaces must be of a high standard. Our Please just provide a named tin and two named bottles.
commitment is to ensure every one of our child play areas exceed the Ministry of
Education regulations. Every one of our indoor and outdoor play areas will therefore Transition To School:
be above the space requirements when ever possible to ensure your child has the
room to grow and develop unrestricted. Ask your Centre Manager for details. Each The six months prior to a child's start at Primary School is an important stage in
of our facilities will also be purpose built and designed to maximise play and rest both the child's and family's life. We offer a transition to school programme that will
times and to ensure each teacher is able to view your child safely at all times. help support families with this move. Where possible we have made links with the
local schools and are able to support school visits, or give you contact and school
Gym / Music Room: information and help you make the introductions. Our individual portfolios are a
great tool to give to your child's new entrant teacher to help them understand
This room is a room of many talents. An extra above required space it is your child's skills and needs as they enter this new environment. Talk to us
used as an indoor physical play area where children are able to refine their today about how we can help support your child's transition to school.
coordination, release energy, try new activities and dance the afternoon
away without disrupting quieter choice activities in the main
classroom. In the middle of the day the space gives older Save Time:
children a quiet place for sleep or relaxation. Child's Time has a small number of basic 'child need' items for sale that we
know sometimes busy parents just don't have the time to pick up from the
Meals: shop, or arrive at the centre and may have left at home. Nappies, bottles,
sunhats etc will be available for sale in our entry way. See our office
We offer meals throughout the day for your child that
have been designed to meet the healthy heart award administrator or Centre Manager to purchase one of these items.
requirements, supporting families to meet the minimum Our goal is to help busy parents. Please let us know if you
vegetable/ fruit needs of five plus a day. Our kitchen would like to see other items in this shop as we appreciate
offers full facilities as required to also heat or cook your feedback and ideas.