Page 17 - Parent Hanbook
P. 17
Settling your child
Introducing your child to care can be an emotional time and you can expect some morning to name the item. We ask that you name all of your child's items, including
tears from time to time, even if only for a moment. Our teachers are trained and clothing. Each child should have at least two sets of clothes to change into should they
experienced in settling children and will do their best to guide a child and family around have an accident or just too much fun! Nappies for younger children are to be named
settling procedures. and placed in your named container in the bathroom. Bottles and formula can be given
to your child's teacher. We have an art file located in each room. Please check that
There are some ways you can help. regularly so you can take your wee ones master pieces home.
Prior to your child's first day set up some short interval visits where you stay with your child
in the centre. This gives you and your child a chance to get to know the teachers, routine, Once you have put your child's items away a teacher will offer to join your child at
environment, and most importantly build some trust. activities and settle as require. Please let us know if you would like to stay for a while or
need to head away quickly. If your child is wanting to, and ready to go straight outside,
Our teachers can talk to you about when it is time to say goodbye, how they will then settle
it would be a great help if you could pop his/her named sunhat on.
your child if required, and offer opportunities of communication with you throughout the
first few days. Your teacher is trained to settle your child so you are welcome to leave as you are ready.
Just inform the teacher.
Every child is unique and settles into a new environment in their own special way. Their age
can play a part, if they have been in preschool before, or whether they have siblings. Some During the day you are welcome to phone as many times as you like to check on your
wave goodbye with a smile and head off to play and learn, while others need more time child. We encourage parents to phone at least once a day over the first few days as this
and visits prior to settling. Let us work with you to ensure your child's well being is nurtured. can alleviate any anxiety you may have and keep you informed. If we have any concerns
Your child's first day: or your child is taking longer to settle we will call and discuss this with you.
At the end of the day please come to your child's room. His/her bag can be collected
from the same place left in the morning. Sometimes children are still in play and may
We understand your child's first day at Preschool can be both exciting
not have their shoes on. A shoe box is available in the centre. See your teacher for the
and daunting. Our teachers will be expecting you and help you organise your child's
location of this. If you have time it is great to allow your child to show you around and
items to ensure you get a smooth start. On arrival please sign the 'sign in' register and pop talk about things he/she did during the day. A teacher will discuss your child's day with
down to your child's room. A daily notice board will be at the entrance of the centre
you. This is also a great time to ask any other questions you may have.
or your classroom. Please take the time to read this as it gives important information
about activities and events coming up and reminders. Please place your child's named A photo board at the entrance of your child's room will be updated each week showing
bag on the hook provided. If you have food items that need to be kept cold please see a you photos of your child in activities. If you would like a photo copy of any of these
teacher and she/he will show you where the fridge is and where a pen is available in the please see reception.