Page 14 - Parent Hanbook
P. 14
Time to work together
We understand that placing your child in someone else's care is an important newsletters and information on noticeboards ask for feedback and ideas to
decision and as such, we feel privileged to play an integral role in your child's improve our service.
learning and development.
Children at times will run into a road block or two. This is the time when open
Our aim is to function as an extended family in order to provide your child with communication is most vital for the success of your child. We see a shared
the security, warmth and love which are essential to their development and responsibility between the teacher and parent to keep communication going,
growth. especially when concerns arise. Our teachers will talk to
you informally at the end of your child's day about their
We recognise families as the most important people in a child's life and strive to daily happenings and will call should a concern arise
maintain a mutually trusting and respectful partnership, so as to ensure each child during the day. You are welcome to request a
receives the best quality care. We welcome family involvement in our programs, formal meeting with your child's Head Teacher at
social events, policy and procedures, and decisions.
any time of the year.
We encourage parents to be actively involved in decision making around their Our teachers are committed to ensuring your
child's learning and development. To achieve this we need open communication child is happy and healthy in our care but if a
and a number of ways for parents and teachers to have opportunities to engage.
Children succeed when there is open communication between the centre and problem arises we have a complaints procedure
which is displayed in the entrance of the centre
home. We therefore welcome parent feedback and input into their child's portfolio
and available on request at reception. We have
and encourage families to write in their child's book, add photos and comments
private spaces available for discussion within the
whenever they can. Information around children's hobbies and special abilities help centre and will do our best to resolve any concern as
us to create a programme best suited for the child.
quickly and efficiently as possible keeping open
Some of the many other ways we communicate are through books, regular communication throughout the process.
newsletters, parent/teacher meetings, 'kidcam' notice and photo display, parent
information boards, daily feedback notes, special functions and family activities, Open door policy – Child's Time invites and encourages
email, phone and text, parent satisfaction questionnaires. parents to visit and spend time in our centre and
become involved in our routines and programme. You
We encourage parents to be involved in a consultative and advisory manner. don't need to call prior to your visit, you are welcome
We regularly review our centre philosophy, policies and procedures and through anytime. We value your input.