Page 16 - Parent Hanbook
P. 16
Fee Policy
Fees are payable weekly in advance as per our fee schedule. They
may be updated from time to time with a minimum of one months
notice. Two weeks notice is requested when cancelling a child's
booking. In the event that you collect your child after our closing
hours an extra fee will be charged. Refer Fee Schedule.
Te Whaariki and Child's Time
Te Whaariki is the National Early Childhood Curriculum statement
that covers the education and care of children from birth to 6 years.
The statement provides the basis for consistent high quality
curriculum delivery of early childhood services in New Zealand.
You will see signs and information throughout our centre linked to
this curriculum statement. We are regularly audited by the Education
Review Office to ensure we are meeting the principles, strands and
goals of this statement, thereby offering your child the best
opportunity to grow into a competent, confident learner.
We employ trained teachers as they are able to recognise each of
these strands and goals and create a programme that is best suited
for your child. A qualified teacher in our centre has had a minimum
of three years training in the field of early childhood and is able to
discuss our curriculum with you further at any time.
We employ trained teachers as they are able to recognise what is
required and are able to deliver a high quality programme that is
best suited to your child.