Page 24 - 20v•Cyber Security Strategy 2020-2024
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24      Malaysia Cyber Security Strategy 2020-2024

            recruits, followers and supporters      concerning     pornography      and
            to their causes. Continuous efforts     harmful  content  such  as  online
            have been made to curb such             gambling, information on illegal
            threats and there have been             substances, instructions to make
            successful convictions in recent        firearms,  and  misleading  and  false
            years. Yet the ease of developing       information, require a coordinated
            a  new  website  or  forum  for  any    and swift effort and commitment
            agenda      presents   a    growing     by  all  parties,  which  in  this  case
            challenge to law enforcement            would be agencies and institutions
            agencies.                               that are directly responsible for
                                                    network accessibilities. Removal
            These issues are complex due to         or restriction of access to content
            the varying interpretation of what      that  is  deemed  as  harmful  by
            would and should be considered          Malaysian law must be pursued.
            as amounting to  terrorism or
            violent extremism. There has been       There is  also the issue of  differing
            a dire need of manpower and             perspectives   on    content    that
            expertise  to  monitor  and  correctly   may be perceived as either
            identify  web  contents  that  would    hate  speech  or  seditious,  or  an
            fall under this category. There are     appropriate expression of free
            also other obstacles including          speech. This is often the case for
            this  content    which   is  usually    politically-motivated postings on
            hosted by providers that are            blogs and social media. While
            beyond  our  jurisdiction.  The  lack   there    have    been     successful
            of awareness among the general          convictions from time to time, the
            public concerning these types of        creation and spreading of content
            resources reduces the incidents of      of this nature does not seem to
            timely reporting of this content.       be lessening, and if anything, they
                                                    seem  to  flourish  correspondingly
            Content-related issues, on the          to the actual situation of the
            other  hand,  bring  a  new  level      counterpart issues in the real world.
            of complexity to the challenges
            of    cyberspace.     Some     issues
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