Page 25 - 20v•Cyber Security Strategy 2020-2024
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Malaysia Cyber Security Strategy 2020-2024 25
Concerns over the misuse of user All things considered, we believe
personal data are increasing at all that it is rather fair to assume
levels of society. Citizens are now that the prevailing issues and
more vigilant on how and what challenges in Malaysia’s cyber
personal information is shared. security landscape can be
The Personal Data Protection Act attributed to, first and foremost,
2010 has also helped to clarify awareness and education.
what would be considered as Technological solutions and
encroaching user privacy by controls can only do so much – it is
entities collecting user information. the netizens themselves that need
Greater effort is needed to take to have a basic grasp of cyber
strong action against those that do security essentials and related
not act appropriately to protect legislation and regulations so that
personal data. they can at least avoid the most
common pitfalls, particularly while
On the technological side, threats navigating cyberspace.
due to vulnerabilities and cyber-
attacks are consistently increasing.
This is very much due to lack of
awareness among users, both
in government institutions and
business entities; and among
individuals. Good cyber hygiene
habits - such as creating complex
passwords, consistently backing
up data, regularly updating and
upgrading software and hardware,
and limiting privileged access to
critical systems - are still lacking
among public and private sector