Page 100 - E-Magazine 2016-17
P. 100


                                                                  In  tune  with  the  lingering  spirit  of
                                                                  “Aurum”, the whole month of August
                                                                  witnessed  a  plethora  of  scientific
                                                                  events,    thereby     celebrating     the
                                                                  “Science  &  Sports  Month”.  Interac-
                                                                  tive and engrossing presentations by
                                                                  our immensely talented students set
                                                                  a  terrific  tone,  which  was  upheld
                                                                  with  equal  vigor  and  zeal  by  our
                                                                  Guest Speakers, who were invited to
                                                                  give  inspiring  speeches  on  various
                                                                  scientific  topics  ranging  from  mal-
                                                                  nutrition to the joy of science.

                                                                  Out-  of-  the  box  activities  like  rap
                  Special Assembly by the Students
                                                                  battles and quizzes took place in all
                                                                  classes , ensuring that the event was
                                                                  going to be a lot more than just an-
                                                                  other passing cloud . A science exhi-
                                                                  bition showcasing amazing phenom-
                                                                  enon from microscopy to magnetism
                                                                  and live experiments by the students
                                                                  of class 10 found a faithful compan-
                                                                  ion in an insect exhibit, leaving eve-
                                                                  ryone enthralled.

                                                                  In order to emphasize the together-
                                                                  ness of Science and Sports, students
                                                                  were  taught  about  the  role  played
                                                                  by  numerous  parts  of  the  human
                                                                  body while playing a sport. And our
                          Science Exhibition                      sportspersons  eagerly  rallied  up  to
                                                                  the  cause,  by  actively  participating
                                                                  in the sporting events.
                                                                  A life-sized periodic table proved to
                                                                  be the ultimate cynosure of all eyes.
                                                                  So, if “Aurum” is to be our glittering
                                                                  King,  then  the  “Science  &  Sports
                                                                  Month” simply has to be the de facto

                        School Band in action
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