Page 163 - E-Magazine 2016-17
P. 163
On 22nd July, 2016 our students
Workshop on Sidh Jain, Yugh H, and Hamad Jaffar,
Poster making attended a Poster making workshop
conducted by the very creative and
insightful Dr.Mani at the Spastic Society
of Karnataka. This workshop intended to
teach the students the various steps
involved in making a poster along with
emphasising the difference between
making a poster and making a painting in
It was a very informative workshop where
they could let their imagination go wild
and come up with something of their own.
Interaction with the artist Dr. Mani was
Learners’ Engagement an enriching experience for them as they
were exposed to the intricate nuances of
Activity-LEA 2016 Poster making.
Learners’ Engagement Activity is an
initiative taken up by NIOS to identify
and nurture the hidden talents and skills
of the learners so that they can be
groomed into individuals who can think
creatively, express confidently, act wisely
and face life positively. Students from
class X NIOS participated in LEA2016
held at Spastic Society on 19 December
and brought laurels to school by winning
lots of prizes. Out of four events
organised, we won prizes in three events. Mr. Chandrasekhar, Director
In the group events, Role Play and Survey NIOS, giving prize to winner of
we bagged the 1 prize and in the LEA 2016
individual event Poster making, we won
1 and 3 prizes.
NIOS Students participated in Art Poster making competition at Spastic Society