Page 282 - E-Magazine 2016-17
P. 282
Looking an absolute wreck, she grabbed her
satchel from the mahogany stand and left for the
dormitory. It was 11:30 pm. The Convent wore a
forbidding look , with human activity in extreme-
ly low proportions . Anisha had barely walked ,
when she was overpowered by a pair of strong ,
firm hands . Hit hard by the intensity of the
clasp, Anisha found herself struggling for oxy-
gen. All the while , she could feel her lungs clos-
ing itself , and the affection was spreading fast .
An Asthma attack was the last thing she wanted.
Her heavy eyelids rolled shut, and her athletic
physique went limp. Terrified of having choked
her to death , her attacker dropped the body and
fled . Anisha Firdaus crashed to the ground.
9 hours later …..
Upon gingerly opening her eyes, Anisha was
greeted by mild rays of sunlight , that fell through the curtain gaps . Her nose de-
tected the smell of phenyl and Dettol, and her hands brushed against the steel ends
of her bed. Mildly taken aback, she knew her location. It was the convent’s infirma-
ry. While stiffening her back, she noticed the silhouette of a person, heavily leaning
against the oak door of her ward. After minutes of staring into empty space, An-
isha’s silhouette got an identity.
It was Benny Wells, the gardener. She felt warmth enveloping her body. Familiarity
for something she had been pining for. Mr. Wells flashed her a quick smile, and seat-
ed himself across the edge of her bed. “Anisha….”he began …
“Yesterday night, I saw Rania sprinting across the bushes, with a face projecting ter-
ror and guilt. Heavily perspiring, she ran towards the exit gate. I ran behind her,
and came across you, lying limp on the ground….” As Mr. Wells paused for a quick
breath, Anisha was dumbstruck. Rania Turner Wolf had nearly killed her. “ I was
seized with fear. Your pulse was low, and your neck showed signs of a fatal stran-
gle . So I brought you here….” Mr. Wells gazed into Anisha’s brown eyes with a look
of sympathy.
Overcome by relief, Anisha hugged Mr. Wells tight. She was alive and kicking! In
the days following the strangle, St. Anne’s convent was in news for various reasons .
Rania had been suspended for her gruesome action, and her gang of friends were un-
der the scanner. The Sports Carnival was put off by three months , and numerous
disciplinary camps took its place . During her quarantine period, Anisha and Mr.
Wells bonded extensively, and soon reached that point of understanding , wherein
they could speak through their eyes .
Even several months after her recovery, Anisha and Mr. Wells were thick of friends.
Tea, friendly banters, Christmas Dinners , Garden fiesta…. Whatever the occasion,
the fifty year old Mr. Wells always remembered Anisha. After a year of friendship ,
Anisha was one of the most successful students , due to graduate that following sum-
mer . The night before her graduation , Anisha found Mr. Wells glancing at the wind
chimes with the excitement of a child .