Page 283 - E-Magazine 2016-17
P. 283


             “Mr. Wells…” she began…. “ Today is my last day in the Convent. I really don’t know what
             future  has  in  store  for  me,  but  I  am  going  to  pine  horribly  for  your  company…”  At  that
             point , Mr. Wells turned to her . The moonlight reflected off his wet face , as tears rolled
             down his eyes . “Anisha, the year passed by had a lot of meaning for me. I will miss you ter-
             ribly.  Separating  from  a  good  friend  is  never  easy  …..  But  ,  you  see  those  wind  chimes?
             Whenever I miss you , I will gaze at those wind chimes , and I shall know that you are out
             there, evolving as a bold and beautiful woman … You are just like those wind chimes . Beau-
             tiful and unique in every single way, from top to bottom , and powerful enough to influence a
             wide territory…. You see?” .

             Anisha hugged him tight for one last time, and left. Left to enter a new world, sans the com-
             passion and care of Benny Wells. Anisha was jolted into reality by a shrill call … Turning
             around, she saw Nina Lake coming towards her .

             “Firdaus , I never knew you dreamt in broad daylight ..” said Nina , with a pinch of sarcasm
             in every syllable . “ I was just gazing at the wind chimes … Their beauty fascinates me…”
             replied Anisha . “ Funny…you know that gardener,  Benny Wells? He died just few months
             ago . Every day he used gaze at those wind chimes. A week before his death , he requested
             the matron to hang the wind chimes by his side … and minutes before his last breath , he
             smiled at the wind chimes , and rested in peace . Now even you seem to have a similar affec-
             tion … I mean, what is so exquisite?”
             Anisha felt choked, and after some sauntering, Nina left. Even after her graduation, Benny
             Wells had spent several minutes of his life thinking and praying for Anisha … For that Ani-
             sha, who had been banished from her family, for that Anisha, who was never worth loving.

             Yet, this man had been compassionate enough to think of her even minutes before death ,
             thereby shattering the nuances of neglect she had been subjected to , throughout her life.
             She smiled at the wind chimes , for she knew that the worth of the wind chimes had trav-
             ersed every boundary of neglect and sorrow in her life , and had paved way for a new Anisha
             Firdaus , who had been loved and cared for immensely by Benny Wells , for all that he was
             worth …..
             SHIVANI PILLAI XI-C
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