Page 289 - E-Magazine 2016-17
P. 289
This speech would be incomplete if I didn’t stop to thank
Every single teacher, for the patience, and belief, even when our faces were blank
Thank you all, because there isn’t a better set of friends I could’ve desired
To spend fourteen long years with, and never grow weary, bored, or tired.
It’s going to be strange for us all one day, to not have to put on the white shirt and green
Or make the early morning walk from the bus yard to our classes, or ask for PE, or simply
Down the stairs when the bell rings at 12:30, towards the tuck shop, looking around
For that one friend who has cash today, and the party that follows when he or she is found.
Perhaps many years down the line, we won’t remember the lessons or campus or the little
But I think we’ve all realized that DPS North is more than just that. It’s a feeling.
It’s a feeling we’ll carry in our hearts forevermore as we march on for the rest of our days.
It’s been a wild ride, DPS North, and we love you. “After all this time? Always.”
I was asked to talk about hope, amidst the Hope reassures you that tenacity helps you
turmoil and insanity, through.
I said ‘Hope is what embeds the human in hu- When you’re worried sick at a hospital,
manity.’ seems like hours for a while;
When you’re down and out, cornered, thinking Hope is in the form of reassurance brought
that nobody would understand, by the doctor’s smile.
Hope is that imperfect friend lending you a Hope is about unity, coming together for
helping hand. the collective need,
Sometimes hope is change, something a
court’s decision could render, Hope is joining hands despite colour, caste,
or creed.
Hope is knowing love is universal among gen-
der. So have hope
Hope is about destiny, opening a new gate, In yourself, in the world, and the people
Hope is knowing that – faith trumps fate.
It is this ray of hope that keeps us bound.
The distraught feeling during an exam, when
you don’t know what to do,