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United Methodist Women is open to all women in the church. For more
                            information on any of our activities please pick up a red UMW Activity Sheet in

                            the Gathering Place or on the UMW Bulletin Board.

      Betty Whitehurst Circle  information, contact                              Bring a project that is

      meets October 9 at 7:30  Betty Baumgartner (703- portable, your lunch, and
      p.m. in Room C40. We                  239-0125) or Sara                    a beverage. Contact: Jean

      welcome any women who Alexander (703-470-                                  Taylor (703-644- 9480 or
      would like to join us for  2656).                                

      fellowship, food, and                 Service4Others: will be  New Dimension Circle:
      devotions. We meet the                hosting the Coffeehouse  This e-mail circle is for

      2nd Monday of the                     Concert with decorations  women of our church
      month. If you have                    and refreshments on                  who cannot participate in

      questions please call                 October 21. The concert  a monthly circle meeting,
      Marion Gunnell (703-978 will benefit relief efforts  but would like to be

      - 1950) or Jane Keck (703 by UMCOR. For                                    informed about current

      -250- 1935).                          information contact                  UMW activities, present
      Faithful Friends Circle:  Cindy Sbrocco (703-764-  concerns, and
      does not meet in                      8913) or Kathy                       information on UMW

      October. We will meet in  Hennemuth (703-239-                              and St. Stephen’s in

      November. For info,                   2871).                               general. Contact Linda
      contact Valerie Bates (703 Creative Hearts,                                Baird (703-591-6023 or

      -425-5470).                           Creative Hands: our        
      Frances Allen Circle:                 needlework ministry will  UMW Board Meeting:

      meets October 12 in the  meet the 2nd and 4th                              We will meet November
      Rob Forrest Room at St.  Wednesdays of the                                 13 in Room C40 from

      Stephen’s. The program  month (October 11 and  9:30 to 11:30 a.m. For
      has not been finalized.               25) from 10 a.m. to 2                questions please contact

      For information, call                 p.m. in Room M9. Join us  Suzanne Bottoms
      Priscilla Parrott (703-865-  for all or part of the time. ( or

      6042) or Betty Ann Van                                                     703-978- 4871).

      Matre (703-663-7828).                                                      Book Club will not meet
      Teen Circle meets                                                          in October, but will meet
      October 15 at 11 a.m. in                                                   on November 16 at 10

      Room M9. For more                                                          a.m. in Room C40. Refer

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