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Endowment Opportunities

      Endowment giving to SSUMC may take many forms:

      •  Securities are generally deductible at full market value and taxes on the gain
          may be avoided.

      •  Real Estate is also generally deductible at full market price.

      •  Life Insurance Policies may be used to designate the

          SSUMC Permanent Endowment Fund as a beneficiary.

      •  Charitable Trusts provide the donor with income for life
          with the assets passing to the SSUMC Permanent

          Endowment Fund.

      •  Wills and Trusts may be used to designate assets to the
          SSUMC Permanent Endowment Fund.

      •  Liquid Assets such as cash, treasury bills, money market accounts.

      •  Gift Annuities provide the donor with income for life with the assets
          passing to the SSUMC Permanent Endowment Fund.

      Contact Jim Allison, Endowment Committee Chair, at 703-323-8132 to further

      explore these opportunities.

                                    Upcoming Pre-Baptism Class

      All adults, parents or guardians who are interested in baptism for themselves or
      their child are invited to enroll in the upcoming Pre-Baptism Class on October

      12 at 6:30 p.m. in the Parlor (M8). Class is approximately one hour and child care
      is provided in the nursery. Email if you are


                                              Our Church Family

      New Members: Maureen Allison, Peter and Hope Caggiano, Madison Caggiano
      Births and Adoptions: Charles Brock Bateman, Angelina Nancy Lucas, Nilah Mackenzie Rotteveel

      Baptisms: Nathan Charles Ludington

      Deaths: Meredith Heinsohn Austin

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