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A New Hope Much to my amazement, this visit was
By: Stephanie Oliver completely opposite. The majority of
the residents were with us and the
New Hope Housing is a non-
profit agency in Northern Virginia fellowship was amazing. It was nice
committed to finding creative and to see these men come together with
lasting solutions to end the cycle of each other and with our group. They
homelessness by offering services to ate dinner with us and everyone
help change lives. One such solution seemed to have something to share.
is Gartlan House which provides I went with the intention of
permanent supportive housing for providing a blessing to these men and
eight chronically homeless adult men. left feeling that I was the one who had
The program serves residents able to received the blessing.
function well with no more than eight
hours of on-site support per day.
Through St. Stephen’s, I was
provided with the opportunity to visit
Gartlan House twice, so far. A group
of St. Stephen’s folks went to visit
with these men in December, 2016
and again in August, 2017. When we
visited the first time, we brought
dinner and a holiday gift for everyone.
The idea was that we would spend a
couple of hours engaging with the
residents and have dinner together.
Everyone we met was pleasant and
appreciative, but only one resident
actually joined us to enjoy his meal
and conversation.
When the opportunity arose
again in August, I was happy to join
again, but had been internally
wondering if we should just provide
them a meal and let it go at that.