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Thank You provides – most of all in the form of
By: Pastor Cameron Stirk Jesus.
We, the Stirk family, want to say,
‘thank you’ for your love, welcome,
“I thank my God hospitality, encouragement, and
every time I sharing during our stay at St. Stephens
over this last summer. It was a great
remember you.” joy for us to meet you all – and to
Philippians 1:3 share in our common life of faith and
love. It has been the most renewing
Saying ‘thank you’ is one of the and refreshing experience for us as a
first lessons we teach our children – family and as individuals for a good
and grandchildren! It is not only a number of years. Thank you for
matter of good manners, it is also a sharing faith in a way that built us up
sign that we appreciate those who and has encouraged us onwards.
have done something for us. It values Thank you for opening your homes to
the other – says, ‘I have noticed – and entertain us and treat us as though
I am grateful’ – it reminds us that you were ‘entertaining strangers’
nothing in our lives is dependent (Hebrews 13: 2). Thank you for
solely on us. It also corrects us in the accompanying us to some precious
thinking that we are not responsible places and build memories for us that
for all our life experiences, but, rather will last a life-time. Thank you for
that everything we know, do, and allowing us to inhabit your culture,
experience is ultimately down to God. your city, your church – for in doing
Paul, writing to the early Church so we have learned so much about
in Philippi begins with his words of you and God.
thanksgiving. He appreciates their Thank you for bearing with the
support and prayers – and as a sign of quirkiness and
his faith in God, he teaches them, and idiosyncrasies of the
us, to always give thanks. To give English! It has been
thanks at all times and in all situations. great to come ‘home’
To give thanks for the Church. And to – but whilst we were
give thanks for God for all that he with you we ‘felt at
home’ and we know