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Letters from Our Church Family

                                           Discovering Your Call

             It’s often said that people today don’t feel “guilt” as keenly as people did
      from eras past and that this void has been filled with a sense of “aimlessness.”

      Shame and remorse have, to some extent, been replaced by purposelessness and

      a feeling of being lost.
             To the extent that this is true, and although forgiveness is as important as

      ever, it is truly good news that God has a calling for each and every one of

      us.  The Lord is eager for each of us to live more purposely than we’ve ever
      imagined possible. God calls out to us and shows a path. Not an easy path. Not

      a painless path. But a path more wonderful than any path we could carve out
      for ourselves.

             Many people assume that only “religious professionals” have a calling, or

      that people are only ultimately called to a religious profession. Nothing could be
      further from the truth.

             Do you realize that you have a calling? Have you discovered this

      calling? Have you answered God’s call? Have you perhaps discovered that God’s
      call for you has changed? Have you discovered all the areas of life that are

      touched by this call? How do we discover these things?

             From October 8 through October 29, we’ll share a sermon series called

      “Discovering Your Call.” Over the course of these four weeks, we’ll work on
      discovering our call by journeying through the book of Jonah. This classic

      biblical text will help us to see our whole lives as part of this great call: our
      hearts, our actions, our giving, our relationships, everything!

             Be on the lookout for the ways this year’s Stewardship Team will help us

      celebrate seeing our service and tithing in this meaningful light. Let’s discover
      God’s call together! Bring a friend and join us for worship in October!

             Your Fellow Minister in Christ,

             Mark Mrini

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