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A Devotional Story                             Church Service and finally Evening

                    By: A Generous Soul                         Vesper service.
             Born in a rural Kentucky area to                          One day about the age of 10, I

      a Navy family, we found ourselves                         came home to discover that my
      posted to various                                         grandmother had taken ill. As the
      parts of the                                              evening progressed her condition

      country and the                                           worsened and the family physician,
      world including                                           who made house calls, came to the
      Panama, China,                                            house to see what could be done.
      and the                                                   While the doctor was examining her

      Philippines during my formative years.                    she began convulsing and the doctor
      Whenever opportunity presented, we                        advised my grandfather that he had
      would return to Kentucky where both                       just lost his wife. My grandfather, who

      of my parents were born and raised                        I had never seen cry before, started to
      for visits with relatives. As WWII                        cry. I was in an adjoining room and
      neared, we were living in Shanghai,                       started praying for her. The doctor
      China and were preparing to return to                                       determined that there

      the U.S. when my mother                                                     was one last thing that he
      unexpectedly became ill. In a few days                                      could do to bring her
      she died, which I chose at the age of                                       around and he injected

      8 not to believe.                                                           her with some
             My dad returned with me to                                           medication. Remarkably,
      Kentucky where I was raised by his                                          from what I believe was a
      parents who had no children living at                     combination of my prayers and a
      home at the time. My grandparents                         Guiding Hand by the Great Physician,

      were in their 60s and I must have                         she recovered.
      been a handful for them to raise and                             Although she was hospitalized
      take care of me. My dad went on with                      for a number of weeks, she

      his Naval career with the outbreak of                     went on to live for another
      WWII. I settled down to a reasonable                      30 years. I believe that the
      adolescent life and developed lots of                     Lord heard my prayers that
      friends and social activities in the area.                evening and restored my

      We were a strongly devout southern                        grandmother back to
      family who read Bible stories, the                        health for a purpose which
      Bible, conducted daily prayers, and                       she accomplished by her

      regularly attended Sunday church                          love and guidance to me in a
      services from Sunday School to                            devotional way.

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