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Coffeehouse for a Cause Kid Min News
Please join us on October 21, at 7 Attention Families with 3rd Graders!
p.m. in the Welcome Center for an We feel called to help families relay the
evening of song and refreshments faith to the next generation. One way
showcasing SSUMC's own Sonja of doing this is by providing an age-
Tussing and Melissa Stoltz. All appropriate Children's Bible to 3rd
donations will go to the victims of graders who are now ready to read on
mud slides in Sierra their own and begin implementing
Leone. Come out regular spiritual practices. These
and support this Bibles will help children and their
vital UMCOR families develop vital spiritual practices
(United Methodist such as reading the bible together,
Committee on prayer, and daily devotions. If you
Relief) mission. would like your child to receive a Bible
on October 15, during worship, please
complete a registration form
A Disciple's Path and return it to Karen Wells’ mailbox
This six-week introductory course on in the church office by October 8.
discipleship in the Wesleyan tradition, You can find a form in the Gathering
beginning October 1, is designed as Place or at the Sunday School check-in
the first step in our church's kiosks.
discipleship plan. The course gives an Children’s Ministry Upcoming
overview of our United Methodist
heritage, how God is working in and Events:
through the people of St. Stephen's, • October 15: 3rd Grade Bible
and how you can participate in our Dedication
mission by taking the next step along • October 20: Mission Possible Kids
the path as a follower of Jesus Christ.
Join us at 11 a.m. for fellowship and (3rd-6th grade), 6-8 p.m.
class begins at 11:15 a.m. Child care is • November 10: Movie Night, 7 p.m.
provided. To sign up, email • November 17: Mission Possible
Kids (3rd-6th) grade, 6-8 p.m.